State College Area Meals On Wheels

Receive Meals

Special Message regarding our service during the COVID-19 pandemic. We are currently delivering one hot and one cold meal Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. As an option, a supplemental frozen meal can be delivered with the other meals. It is our hope to return to five-day service (Monday through Friday) as soon as conditions permit.      

Delivery Area – You must be located within the State College Area School District to receive meals from State College Area Meals on Wheels. If you are located outside of this area, please contact the Centre County Office of Aging at (814) 355-6716.

Available Diets | Eligibility
To apply for home delivery of meals, please complete the application form at the link below. All information will remain confidential. You will be contacted soon by a Meals on Wheels representative. If you are unable to complete the form, please call the Meals on Wheels office at (814) 237-8135.

Meal Cost Chart  

Meals Application Form